Monday 20 July 2009

Why Flouride?

One aspect only of the use of fluoride in drinking water to dumb us down is affect it has on a human's pineal gland.

This is what Wikipedia has to say:

''The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the "third eye") is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and photoperiodic (seasonal) functions.[1][2] It is shaped like a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and is located near to the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join''.

To look at this it would seem that this is the gland's only task. Put us to sleep at night and wake us up in the morning. However, this is not so. If you study this excellent article at Crystal Links you will see what else it does. In the series of videos compiled by Graham Hancock he shows how a person who uses Ayahusaca under the supervision of a Shaman ~ for YOUR sake do NOT try it without guidance ~ can access another dimension, one unseen to those on a normal channel. He talks about Nobel Laureate, Francis Crick, who did so much wok on DNA and how he discovered the DNA molecule whilst on LSD. It was the Pineal Gland that enabled Crick to make the connection for, in addition to melatonin it also produces a chemical that enables the person to use it as a portal. Watch the Hancock videos to learn the detail.

The gland is full of a watery substance. Fluoride calcifies this water and this not only makes it useless as a portal it also inhibits the transfer of consciousness between the left - analytical - side of the brain to the right - intuitive and artistic side of the brain. Just as Western Civilisation thinks with the left so the Eastern Civilisation thinks with the right. Just look at the languages of Japan, Korea and China. Even Russia with it Cyrillic alphabet has a language that produces images when read. Remember that all original thought comes from intuition or communion with something "out there". All the great inventors and philosophers, Einstein, Edison, etc. relied on this intuition.

In the past Galileo and Michelangelo were punished for thinking "outside the box"; some thinkers were even burnt at the stake. The reason then, as it is now, is that the controllers of humanity do not want anyone to either think originally or to access another dimension. So they use drugs and/or chemicals to dumb us down.

You will recall the James Dean Anderson (McGyver) series about a Stargate? Quantum Leap? Then there is a film where some bird whirls around in a special machine and goes through a portal and meets her dad on "the other side?" All these have been made with one thing in mind. Control. David Willcock - claims to be the re-incarnation of Edgar Cayce - states that the invasion of Iraq was to get a chair that was used by the ancients as a means of time and dimension travel. This is all to condition people to the idea that only the High Priests can do this. In the old days the High Priests were the controllers of the Egyptians etc. Today it is the NWO and their minions.

All religions have, in the past, controlled people by their fear of God, a god that was created in the image of the High Priest. Only certain priests could communicate with this god. They designed a Umin and Thumin ~ a plate of various stones set up in a certain way ~ to answer the plebs questions, via, of course, the high priest. Even today one religion uses a special thingy that has leather straps that wind around the arm so that the wearer can petition god direct, but it is only activated by the High Priest. Another specifies the wearing of a locket and this gives access to God via the High Priest.

Unfortunately for them people ~ especially since the advent of the Internet ~ have become far more aware of what is happening. So something had to be done to maintain control. Hence the use if drugs. As Graham Hancock says. "Isn't it strange that the War against Drugs is the costliest of any operation. It has failed dismally and continues to fail; yet it still is continued in the same way and billions are still poured in to it?" Think about it and ask yourself which organisations are the biggest drug dealers. Also ask yourself why Afghanistan under the Taliban had almost stopped the production of heroin and now with the British and America and NATO force there Heroin production is at an all time high. Look up the movement of coffins to America from Viet Nam via Air America. There is much to learn.

Certain hallucinogenic plants have been used for thousands of years - today almost all are illegal. Think on it. Study and learn.

A word of warning! If you look up David Willcock remember that although he states a lot of truth the slant is biased. Also look up his background. What is he REALLY trying to accomplish?

You can also look at this but I cannot warrant its authenticity. One thing I do recommend be careful and study a lot before you experiment.

Oh, by the way!

You can offset the effects of Fluoride by getting onto an Alkaline Diet and Lifestyle.

Test YOUR ph (potential hydrogen) level in both urine and saliva and/or blood. If it is below the range of 6.75 to 7.5 you are acidic.

Think on it and investigate further. It will pay you big time.

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