Monday 20 July 2009

Ways of the NWO

If you analyse the news with an open mind you will see that those who attack others are usually giving away there own misdeeds.

Take, for example, David Irving, whom I met on a Speaking Tour of South Africa (his not mine) and whom I found to be balanced in his approach to German History. I have read most of his books and had many of them. Irving stated that the number of Jews killed in the Second World War had, in effect not been proved. For this he was labelled as a holocaust denier. I won't go into the pros and cons of David Irving other than to cite two admitted facts: 1: the numbers of Jews who dies in Auschwitz was reduced at the museum from, I think 4 million to 1,5 million (and included other peoples) yet the number of 6 million wasn't reduced accordingly. 2. The famed German historian Trevor-Roper, it was revealed, could not speak or read German. Enough said. The purpose of this site is not to defend David Irving, he is doing a great job himself. However, in Phoenix, Arizona, he was besieged by a mob of screaming people who accused him of all sorts of dire sins. It is interesting for they were, in effect doing what they accused him of doing ~ trying to disallow freedom of speech.

When it involves an ordinary person, if David can be in any way described as "ordinary", the effect is not that noticeable; but what happens when big corporations do the same? And what happens if countries take the same tactic as policy?

To see the effect that it can have just look at the site, Revolutionary Politics and view the video.

Now watch YOUR own news broadcasts, whether in Europe, America and Britain and look at the newspaper headlines with different eyes. By understanding this principle ~ call others by the names that describe you ~ you will see an entirely different picture.

Take the article on the BBC and ITV etc. about the BNP's election to the European "Parliament". You will have heard the term "Fascist" many times. Yet, if you analyse the actual term you will find that it relates far more closely to the ruling Big 3 than it does to the BNP. Then there was the use of the term "seat of power" as in "The BNP has a grasp of the seat of power." Or some such nonsense to describe the TWO seats the BNP fill. I am not a supporter of any party in the UK, by the way, the subject is how the Press etc. and the Politicians of the NWO call other peoples by the adjectives best suited to desscibe themselves.

While we are on the subject of the Press ~ did you notice the use of the word power? So the Press and the Labour person both believe that the EU is the "seat of power"! Not the British Parliament? Not the British Voter? No the EU!

and then did you notice that the only spokesperson (that I noticed - there may have been more whilst I was throwing up.) came from the ranks of the "ruling elite"? So they want you to believe them? Once again saying that no-one supports the BNP, when in fact it is them that do not. If there was such an outcry, surely they would show it and get quotes? What I saw was the usual mingling of people who have just been elected to the biggest opportunity to get the snout in possible.

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