Tuesday 28 July 2009

End Game - The first step to changing your consciousness

Info Warrior – Daniel Aspey-Smith

If you’re new to the whole concept of the New World Order I seriously recommend watching
Alex Jones film ‘End Game’ blueprint for global enslavement, which covers exactly what the
NWO are trying to achieve, it’s end goals i.e. a one world government and how it’s
attempting to accomplish that for example through eugenics and dumbing down the
population so on. Also discusses groups like Bilderberg which operates in near complete
secrecy up until that past several years to refrain from media attention and how the NWO
uses puppets like Obama and Bush to achieve it end goals. Over the past few hundred years,
they have succeeded in setting up an extremely elaborate system of control, which ironically
relies on its very secrecy for success. There isn't much time left before it will be too late to do
anything about it. Now is your chance to become fully aware of this system in this fragile
time we have left and STOP complying with it! If anyone walks away still denying what is
taking place, you may very well be hopeless.

The concept has been around for years, at the end of the day ‘who’ elected these guys to run
the planet, they want a one world government and only an educated and informed public will
stop them in their tracks that is you! There still working on a mass population reduction of
80% (Kissinger), travel will soon be restricted, something called the Wildlands project was
proposed in the name of preserving nature, set up to one - half of America into core
wilderness reserves and interconnecting corridors (red), all surrounded by interconnecting
buffer zones (yellow). No human activity would be permitted in the red, and only highly
regulated activity would be permitted in the yellow areas. The fact is they have publicity
announced this one world government, it’s publicised. This has happened hundreds of times
in history, best example probably Rome, which was the ruler of the world, made up of
complex governmental systems used to control populations.

Anyway private offshore banks will be used to fund wars – in fact Google Rothschild and
Napoleon to learn about how the banks are used to the advantage of Rothschild allowing him
to buy to all shares and control the economy. Other organisations like the UN act in stealth
as an enforcing body over 3rd world nations like Africa.

States will soon be abolished, look at the formation of the EU, soon to be American union
and Asian, African union in the case of the African union, the army used as an enforcement
body allowing the NWO to exploit the resources and people, like with diamonds, where the
government acts as a vacuum cleaner sucking up all the wealth and resources, leaving an
economic wasteland and easy managed slaves.

There’s also the whole aspect of eugenics, which plays a major role in sterilisation process,
which involves the civil population being used as lab rats, for selective breeding to take place
where the differences between the rulers and ruled will apparently be made significant. Look
at China the world’s leading police state, where people are forced to stop breeding and where
organ harvesting takes place.

Idea of transhumanism - a international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the
use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and
capacities. Chemicals and Vaccines like the upcoming swine flu vaccine are used like in the
70s Swine flu pandemic where more people died from the vaccine than the swine flu to
create this zombie population also through manipulating are water – fluoridation which
causes cancers, bone tissue disintegration and disables you mentally and also through food,
because obviously we need these things to survive so it’s easily to manipulative. All be done
in secrecy as with all evil ‘done in darkness’.

This is just snapshot you seriously need to go out and research for yourself. Furthermore,
people say to me well how could a small elite can control 6 billion people, it’s impossible.
Well it’s not its happening right now and it’s much easier than people think through a
process called systematic methodology where the world is divided up into sections like a pie
and men/women are put in control of each piece of the pie, and can therefore control the
entire organisation, imagine the pyramid shape with the elite at the top. Like the world bank
which has a small power base. Just watch end game… these leaders are pre picked for us, the
whole voting process is a hoax and where just going to follow like sheep.

Please research the New World Order check out infowars.com , the resources section of my
site and multimedia which includes loads of documentaries like end game, terror storm and
loose change, as well as the links page, forum and so on, like I said the ONLY defence we
have is a fully informed and educated public.

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