Friday 31 July 2009

Read David Icke!

David Icke Newsletter Preview



The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

I was interviewed a couple of weeks ago at my home by a lovely guy who said the video would be used on a 'young peoples' website'. He warned me that this site ridiculed me on quite a scale and he wanted them to hear what I was really saying.

Okay, no problem. I could have said no, why should I? But the swine flu vaccine story was breaking, among much else, and I wanted to warn as many people as possible of what was going on. It didn't matter if I was ridiculed, because some people with a mind of their own would hear what I said and if only one refused the vaccine as a result it would be time well spent.

Indeed it was, as it has turned out. The swine flu part of the interview was circulated widely across the Internet. The 'young peoples' website', however, refused to host the interview, but asked for a clip so they could ridicule it. The producer said no, and they took the swine flu clip off the Web to do a send up on that. Okay, guys, take the vaccine then, best of luck - you'll need it. A few people can't control the world? It's a doddle.

These are young people who, if nothing is done, are going to have to live out their entire lives in a control system so ruthless and all-consuming that even the very concept of 'freedom' will be lost to the human psyche. They don't even bother to check if the information could be true. David Icke has said it, so it must be crazy, because he talks about reptiles.

You could call them 'stupid' or 'idiots', and they do a wonderful impression of both, I grant you. But what they really are is programmed robots - computer systems that cannot compute beyond their software.

There is no consciousness at work and so, even when the Orwellian state is looking them in the eye, they can't see it. More than that, they ridicule those who can.

What do you mean a hurricane is coming? You are craz ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

We must tell the world...

...about this. It is a straightforward case of genocide. Just a symptom of how the New World Order behave when they have total control. Coming to a neighborhood near you. Don't be fooled by thinking that is America it won't happen here. It will; it already is happening in YOUR country, for you now are no longer a Sovereign State you are merely a Province of Europe.

Watch and weep.

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Prison Planet

Info Warrior – Daniel Aspey-Smith

The Terror Storm and Mind Control

There is an ongoing war against the free peoples of the planet, all part of their ‘Terror Storm’.
Pentagon war planners now publicity admits that 90% of their battle plans are psychological
vs. physical. The Information War had taken the place of aircraft carriers, fighter bombers
and tanks, and you the population of the planet are the target; put simply modern warfare is
all about selling the population to love its own enslavement, the elite are waging war on the

Edward Bernays, father of public relations, pioneered the use of psychology and other social
sciences to design public persuasion campaigns. If we understand the mechanism and
motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to
our will without their knowing about it?

The conscious and intelligent manipulations of the organised habits and opinions of the
masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen
mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of
our government. We are governed, our minds moulded, are tastes formed, our ideas
suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.

Since the dawn of man, bullies have attempted to dominate and control the tribe. Human
history has been one long struggle of the independent free human against organised crime
syndicates attempting to enslave him. Brute force has been replaced with intimidation and
propaganda, we are manipulated into enslaving ourselves, we are conned into believing that
the establishment is our loving keeper and not are parasitic master. The NWO architects are
predatory control freaks who have enslaved humanity and are desperate to keep control of
their cattle. The elite is threatened by independent free humans who control their own
destinies, their threatened by intelligence, beauty, honour and family. They seek to control
and steer the destiny of humanity in a direction that secures their power monopoly forever.
They are sadistic by all means; they think nothing of human life. Only control and keeping
that control, the entire world is being engineered, designed to be a ‘Prison Planet’, a control
grid over free humanity. Where no decent is tolerated, once you realise the establishment is
laughing at you can begin to research the truth and start fighting back. Once you understand
their game plan it’s very easy too defeat, knowing who your enemy is, is half the battle,
taking action is the other half. You only have to free your mind and defeating the globalists
will be easy.

‘’In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’’
George Orwell – 1984

Can we reach a utopian society without the NWO?

Info Warrior – Daniel Aspey-Smith

For a while now I have been turning the question over in my head regarding the New World
Order and its elite. If one is given by chance or through self determination the power which
corresponds to a member of the elite i.e. wealth and power, would one not seek to transform
the world as the elite do i.e. through their regimes of dehumanisation and so on for their own
benefit, or perhaps this corresponds to the nature of the person. What I’m trying to get
across is that whatever the situation it seems based on people conditioning weather imposed
or self imposed there will be leaders and these leaders will want to meet there own selfish
needs not for money but for power/control. Or perhaps if the world’s elite where not so self
seeking and more complacent with being for the people opposed to the people being a vehicle
for his/her own needs then the world would be very difficult, if for example Ron Paul was a
member of the elite then wouldn’t there regimes be very different to a member of the
Rothschild family being a member. This is more a matter of human nature, but if anyone
understand what I’m getting across here any alternatives would be appreciated; I considered
the idea of 'everyone working together' in a resource based economy thus, there would be no
need for government but this may be seen as a form of anarcho anarchism where we would
live in social communes (are we inheritably social creatures?) but doesn't seem practical.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely? As Lord Acton {John
Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834–1902} wrote in a letter to Bishop
Mandell Creighton in 1887.

"Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men
are almost always bad men."

Another English politician with no shortage of names - William Pitt, the Elder, The Earl of
Chatham and British Prime Minister from 1766 to 1778, is sometimes wrongly attributed as
the source.

He did say something similar, in a speech to the UK House of Lords in 1770: "Unlimited
power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it"

This, I think is the problem. The Buddha said that the only way one can reach enlightenment
is to kill the ego. I think this is impossible for the rich and famous; their ego controls them
and thus they have to have more, be more and finally control everything.

However, those statements say more about governments in the last couple of hundred years
will things always be that case? We need a transformation of society!

Look at the positive sites out there.

For example:

Scouting for Peace: ~ Based in the Philippines this site
is a fellowship "club" for Scouts and ex-Scouts who are interested in helping to achieve
something positive.

The Ringing Cedars of Russia Series: ~ This is the
story of Anastasia. In it she explains much of what is happening today and how we can all
save the planet. It is a fascinating study and I have already applied many of her precepts. The
snag is that people actually want to remain the same as they are today, not realising that if
they do they will inevitably ruin the planet. "I am not a bad person. I will be OK." etc. etc.
They want to enjoy their fast cars, their houses, their easy life, alcohol, drugs, binge drinking,
clubbing, TV, Computer games etc. etc. All of them are mind blowing and destroy the id.
Even spectator sports such as (perhaps especially) football are designed to subject the mind
and soul to a numbing down. The way of the world is to get more, do more, spend more,
possess more, have sex more, be less responsible etc.etc. than the neighbours. A complete
change of consciousness is vital. We must ALL become self-reliant and take responsibility for
our own lives and destiny. The NWO and the Governments of the day have carefully deigned
every facet of people's lives to stop them thinking for themselves. Anastasia has shown a
way out but it will take a lot more "agro" to get people to change. There is no secret as to why
it comes out of Russia (notwithstanding Edgar Cayce's prophecy that spiritual enlightenment
will come from Russia) for the privations suffered by the Russian people for many hundreds
of years, especially from 1917 onwards made them want a change. Today, the Dacha
Movement ~ small gardeners on their own plots ~ produce something like 80% of the potato
crop that grows in Russia during the growing season. This is on land that is microscopic
compared to Commercially Farmed land! At the site you get "sweeteners" with downloads of
parts of the books to see what they are about. Take my tip ~ BUY the entire collection. You
will never think the same!

The Friends of Ko'ox Tun ~ ~ This site was initiated in Belize
in Central America. Have a look at it ~ become a Friend. See what they are doing by getting
the free books on offer and also visit their Squidoo sites.

Portland Bright Neighbor ~ This is an idea that
deserves consideration. It follows the basic premise of "Small is good ~ Think Small." In
other words, Changing the World one Village at a Time. If you are old enough to remember
the 1940's and 1950's you will recall the corner shop and the markets. Fresh vegetables; eggs
from truly free range hens; a bit of barter - if I have a dozen eggs surplus then I can change
for a cabbage and a bunch of onions etc. If you want the garden mowed, then you ask the
neighbour's kids to oblige.

As I have said, a change of consciousness is vital. How would YOU get YOUR
friends to join such a movement?

End Game - The first step to changing your consciousness

Info Warrior – Daniel Aspey-Smith

If you’re new to the whole concept of the New World Order I seriously recommend watching
Alex Jones film ‘End Game’ blueprint for global enslavement, which covers exactly what the
NWO are trying to achieve, it’s end goals i.e. a one world government and how it’s
attempting to accomplish that for example through eugenics and dumbing down the
population so on. Also discusses groups like Bilderberg which operates in near complete
secrecy up until that past several years to refrain from media attention and how the NWO
uses puppets like Obama and Bush to achieve it end goals. Over the past few hundred years,
they have succeeded in setting up an extremely elaborate system of control, which ironically
relies on its very secrecy for success. There isn't much time left before it will be too late to do
anything about it. Now is your chance to become fully aware of this system in this fragile
time we have left and STOP complying with it! If anyone walks away still denying what is
taking place, you may very well be hopeless.

The concept has been around for years, at the end of the day ‘who’ elected these guys to run
the planet, they want a one world government and only an educated and informed public will
stop them in their tracks that is you! There still working on a mass population reduction of
80% (Kissinger), travel will soon be restricted, something called the Wildlands project was
proposed in the name of preserving nature, set up to one - half of America into core
wilderness reserves and interconnecting corridors (red), all surrounded by interconnecting
buffer zones (yellow). No human activity would be permitted in the red, and only highly
regulated activity would be permitted in the yellow areas. The fact is they have publicity
announced this one world government, it’s publicised. This has happened hundreds of times
in history, best example probably Rome, which was the ruler of the world, made up of
complex governmental systems used to control populations.

Anyway private offshore banks will be used to fund wars – in fact Google Rothschild and
Napoleon to learn about how the banks are used to the advantage of Rothschild allowing him
to buy to all shares and control the economy. Other organisations like the UN act in stealth
as an enforcing body over 3rd world nations like Africa.

States will soon be abolished, look at the formation of the EU, soon to be American union
and Asian, African union in the case of the African union, the army used as an enforcement
body allowing the NWO to exploit the resources and people, like with diamonds, where the
government acts as a vacuum cleaner sucking up all the wealth and resources, leaving an
economic wasteland and easy managed slaves.

There’s also the whole aspect of eugenics, which plays a major role in sterilisation process,
which involves the civil population being used as lab rats, for selective breeding to take place
where the differences between the rulers and ruled will apparently be made significant. Look
at China the world’s leading police state, where people are forced to stop breeding and where
organ harvesting takes place.

Idea of transhumanism - a international intellectual and cultural movement supporting the
use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and
capacities. Chemicals and Vaccines like the upcoming swine flu vaccine are used like in the
70s Swine flu pandemic where more people died from the vaccine than the swine flu to
create this zombie population also through manipulating are water – fluoridation which
causes cancers, bone tissue disintegration and disables you mentally and also through food,
because obviously we need these things to survive so it’s easily to manipulative. All be done
in secrecy as with all evil ‘done in darkness’.

This is just snapshot you seriously need to go out and research for yourself. Furthermore,
people say to me well how could a small elite can control 6 billion people, it’s impossible.
Well it’s not its happening right now and it’s much easier than people think through a
process called systematic methodology where the world is divided up into sections like a pie
and men/women are put in control of each piece of the pie, and can therefore control the
entire organisation, imagine the pyramid shape with the elite at the top. Like the world bank
which has a small power base. Just watch end game… these leaders are pre picked for us, the
whole voting process is a hoax and where just going to follow like sheep.

Please research the New World Order check out , the resources section of my
site and multimedia which includes loads of documentaries like end game, terror storm and
loose change, as well as the links page, forum and so on, like I said the ONLY defence we
have is a fully informed and educated public.

Question Your Reality

Info Warrior – Daniel Aspey-Smith

Let me begin by saying things won’t get better until you wake yourself up and learn how the
world really works, by that I mean researching the New World Order now! Before the
internet is ultimately censored, which is happening in Germany now, to the point where
every piece of information goes through several scrutinising processes before it is made
public if at all.

The internet is the major weapon in this InfoWar so use it well you can! Whether you want to
believe me or not, which I would guess 90% of you won’t you because you have been
conditioned to process and interpret information like what I will be providing you as false
without even thinking about it but! You must realise our entire perception of reality has been
manipulated and controlled, we have been conditioned from the moment we left the womb,
to perceive the world in the way that the world global elite, want you to, whether you like it
or not, you are the results of mass scale hypnosis and socialisation.

The human mind is like a computer if you can control the information flowing into it, no
matter how intelligent the person is, it’s entirely possible to programme peoples thinking
patters and perceptions subconsciously, the brain can’t tell the difference between a lie and
the truth – no matter how false it may be! If you have been conditioned to believe something
you will act on it and justify it by any means possible based on that which you perceive as the
truth. Sadly, only few understand this concept!

Just look at the TV a major weapon of psychological warfare, a huge majority of the
hundreds of TV channels broadcasted are brought to you by the same organisation, the
messages broadcasted to you through the TV are then interpreted as the way that society
should be ultimately run and how people should behave. The few that control this
information don’t want you to think too much, so they keep you entertained through –
amusements, drugs, alcohol, TV and so on – (so remember don’t get in the way of important
people by doing too much thinking).

The fact is guys were living in a virtual dream world, the elite use mass hypnotic mind
control! Know I’m not joking are environment is controlled by the mass media, which many
especially the young will accept without conscious awareness. The fact is the global elite are
moving closer and closer to a one world government, the next major stage will be the
implementation of the American union, which funnily enough hasn’t been broadcasted by
the main stream media, coincidence I think not. Countries will be part of the administrate
unit, there be a central bank, a world currency and a world army. Micro chips will be used as
a form of ultimate control over all humans’ actions; in fact the technology already exists in

I don’t know about you but I’m tired and sick of being lied to!, I can only give you the facts
and I will keep doing so but only you can wake yourselves up, where not slaves of the New
World Order, where all in the same boat and I don’t have the solutions, but I Know we must
work together to take back our lives away from the pursuit of tyranny, stop giving your mind
away, they got you hanging there and there’s nothing you can do about it until you wake up!
They know you’re not capable of critical thinking. Conditioned into laziness, distraction, fear
and ignorance – brainwashed, so stand up and draw the line.

‘’If you never change your mind, why have one?’’
Edward de Bono

Are Brain is everything (Chapter 1)

Info Warrior – Daniel Aspey-Smith

If you put things into perceptive all we are advanced computers, are emotions are
based on thoughts and are simply surges of chemicals which we interpret and take
action based on our conditioned response. We are electro chemicals organisms who
in reality are simply ‘brain tissue’ with inter connecting neuron-pathways containing
memories stored throughout are lift which make up our reality, in a cybernetic sense
– our brain coding. Our bodies are our vehicles for conscious action and nothing
more, but in theory are useless, our reality comes from within.

An ordinary person looks upon the physical object and believes it to be real because
his physical senses tell him that it is real. Physical senses will tell you that what you
can see, feel, hear and touch is solid and unchangeable – because you’re physical
senses perceive specific frequencies of energy as solid.

Could it not be possible in hindsight for robots to mimic the makeup of the human
brain, and create their own unique reality? I am tempted to touch the subject ‘what
makes us human?’ – are soul, are neuro pathways but will leave this for next time.

An Interview with Aaron Russo Notes

Info Warrior - Daniel Aspey-Smith

After watching ‘Reflections and Warnings – An Interview with Aaron Russo’, which I would
seriously recommend to anyone! The film includes a historic interview from the late great
Aaron Russo, who funnily enough had a close friendship with a member of the Rockefeller
family for several years; after several long discussions with Nick Rockefeller, Aaron was
shocked after Nick made revelations about the true nature and agenda of the New World
Order. I took several notes throughout the film, many are gibberish however, I have included
these below:
  • Agenda – One World Government
  • RFID Tracking Modules – All money based on chips
  • The elite have all the money they could ever need therefore their goal is of power and control opposed to money
  • Democracy = NWO
  • Put on Earth to be the best person you can possibly be!
  • You have to stand up for what’s right in life – otherwise your life is meaningless
  • Fur fill god given potential, only way to fur fill that is to be free – find out who you are - make mistakes thus, learn from them!
  • Government limiting things you life’s potential and preventing you from doing things you could otherwise do as a free individual
  • If you don’t like yourself – nothing means anything
  • Respect yourself – take actions which you respect
  • What’s the point in living if you don’t like what you are?
  • Mould you character – Character, charisma, integrity and honour
  • They can do ANYTHING they wish and there is nothing you as the citizen can do about it
  • American and British people are living in a matrix, they don’t understand the truth of how things work behind the scenes
  • Democracy is an illusion – Worst form of government – 51% people control 49% of people (not free), no mention of democracy in constitution or bill of rights
  • You have individual ‘rights’ because you were born with them, god given, human rights that your government cannot take away
  • Founding fathers
  • Democracy – Majority rules (60% want this, what about the other 40%)
  • Brainwashed into democracy
  • Iraq to promote democracy = NWO (slavery) – opposite of freedom
  • Tell you anything and your believe it
  • Don’t care what majority wants
  • Individuals think for ‘yourself’, critical thinking skills are crucial
  • FED - private bank owned by individuals
  • Government borrow money – pay interest – using labour tax (from us) – pay interest to bankers
  • Get money from bankers – need more slaves – more difficult to survive – more profit – through system – taken control government – same parties
  • Nick Rockefeller – Banking industry (private banks throughout world work together)
  • Central bank plans
  • GOAL – create one world government run by offshore banking cartel (industry)
  • RFID chip – all money is in chips - no more cash
  • Tax deducted without knowing – take what they want – TOTAL CONTROL
  • Protest – turn off chip – no more food etc – Database with everything – Enslavement
  • Aaron Russo told by Nock Rockefeller there was going to be an event – out of event
  • Invade Afghanistan
  • Pipelines Caspian sea
  • Iraq – oil fields base in the middle east
  • War on terror, whole thing hoax
  • Fear people get them do to anything, endless war on terror
  • Iraq
  • Truth 9/11 – Lean about terror
  • Designed so we get into debt
  • Bankers make money – control government, by Politian’s, say who gets into office – do whatever
  • Elite above law made
  • Constitution only for a few people
  • People who join CFR, don’t know true evil
  • Won’t leave borders wide open (couldn’t get into country)
  • 9/11 – Few and obey what they want to be
  • ‘SUBMIT’
  • Servants to the elite
  • Get bankers out of government!
  • Bill O Reilly – Wanker, can’t challenge facts just call people names
  • 9/11 Kick of war on world
  • Authority Iraq, Afghanistan and Iran
  • More troops, part of NWO
  • Preserve power
  • Understand 9/11 – understand war on terror
  • Reduce population
  • Israel move to Arizona
  • Money out of thin air thus, control everything – deny ability
  • Government can create money themselves but chooses to borrow
  • 1913 – Government did it – make inflation? – FED makes same, inflation but no debt
  • Interest backed up – gold no inflation
  • Win battle shut down FED
  • What we want doesn’t matter only their agenda
  • We don’t co-op they can’t win the game
  • Rely on selling us
  • Believe this do this do that – Go along
  • Good men stand up
  • Stop being scared, stand up and do what’s necessary – take back from liars
  • Uprising, people stand up
  • Majority/angry
  • Pissed, not enough courage – conscious/justice – not other choice, can’t live with himself
  • People just won’t speak – afraid – change stand up what’s right – otherwise nothing will change – ENOUGH
  • Re-wiring brain
  • Combine American Union – not in press – Britney and Paris
  • Don’t want Americans to know – loosing constitution – open borders
  • Stand together – Don’t take it
  • Control both parties – past puppet – to puppet master
  • Private bankers – own both parties
  • War on terror = war on people
  • Veterans etc seen as threat, get in way – as they know constitution
  • NWO = private corporate takeover of nation states
  • Stupid – Do whatever
  • Don’t stand up for what’s right – slave – stand up for what’s right otherwise nothing will change
  • Find courage – situation tell truth – seen as lunatic – Take bank away from private bankers
  • Institutions for people opposed to other way round
  • Whole financial universe matrix fraud – crashing eventually
  • Don’t be afraid to be ridiculed by these people – stand up and say – don’t be scared to tell the truth
  • Don’t allow their powers to frighten you
  • Do everything in your power to restore – freedom and individuality
  • Ruling class (private banker) – crimes – claim above the law
  • Us or Them
  • Or more wars, police state and tyranny
  • Past front men – actual architects of the NWO appose liberal, conservative puppets
  • Bring to justice
  • Expose criminals they are – spread the word

Monday 27 July 2009

Revealed: £12bn hidden costs of Afghan war.

The soaring cost of Britain's military campaign in Afghanistan is laid bare today, as a comprehensive analysis reveals that the cost of fighting the Taliban has passed £12bn. An Independent on Sunday assessment of the "hidden costs" of fighting since the Taliban was ousted in 2001 reveals that the bill works out at £190 for every man, woman and child in the UK – and would pay for 23 new hospitals, 60,000 new teachers or 77,000 new nurses. (My emphasis)

Read more in the Independent.

Saturday 25 July 2009

HAARP. Watch this if you are not sure what it is.

History Channel and Weather Wars

Have a look at this ~ it also happens in UK.

Now is the time! You must take action! Get involved before it is too late!


The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday
Most disturbing is the way the state is taking children away from parents via secret 'family courts' for the most extraordinary reasons. These courts have no jury and the standard of proof required is lower than in criminal courts.

The authorities do not have to prove beyond reasonable doubt that a child has been abused, only that on the 'balance of probabilities' this might be the case. We have had mothers acquitted of abuse in a criminal court who have still had their children stolen by the state in the family courts which demand lower standards of evidence.

Arrogant, mind-programmed 'social workers' are using this rigged system to seize children and hand them to foster parents of their choice while warning the parents that if they challenge this outrage they will never be allowed to even see their children again.

If you are new to this information, that last paragraph is worth a second read.

A mother in the UK had her twin babies taken from her by social workers for joking that the caesarean birth had ruined her body. She spent £38,000 on IVF treatment in a desperate attempt to have children and these deeply disturbed people removed them within weeks. When she lost her temper at what they had done they reported that she had 'anger problems' which could be a threat to her twins.

The authorities exploit high-profile real abuse cases to scan the community for fake 'abuse' that they can use to steal children from their parents. This is becoming commonplace now, but the public don't realise that because its all done in secret.


Thursday 23 July 2009

The UK an emerging Police State

Welcome to the New China

Our country is being taken apart from the inside, the elite of the UK see its citizens as nothing more than cattle. Things are accelerating as an ever increasing level; the state is governed by separate elite, whom are all above the law. Individuals only purpose is to serve the state not the state the individual. There is now, no such thing as a fair trial. People can be imprisoned without trial. Blair, Brown and so on are not working for our own interests! They are traitors, working for their own interests.

Characteristics’ of the ‘UK Police State’
  • Propaganda and Terror
  • All newspapers and media are state controlled
  • Police are above the law and can stop, search and arrest YOU at any time, without going through the normal legal process
  • People encouraged to spy and report on one another
  • Torture is an accepted part of the state apparatus, in line with the abuse of psychiatric drugs and imprisonment
  • Children brainwashed
  • State controls education and the syllabus
  • State uses extensive intelligence, security and police organisations to spy on us

Wednesday 22 July 2009

The US Federal Reserve Board caused the financial collapse in America ...

...and exported the "technology" to the world to screw all of us!

Watch this. Short and to the point.

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Wayne Madsen: "Swine flu began life in a lab!"

Revolutionary Politics is a great site to learn from. Here is a sample of what you can see there.

Swine Flu Video at E Clipp TV

Woman 'detained' for filming police search launches high court challenge

Here is an interesting one to follow in the Guardian

A woman is to challenge the Metropolitan police in the high court, claiming she was handcuffed, detained and threatened with arrest for filming officers on her mobile phone.

Lawyers for Gemma Atkinson, a 27-year-old who was detained after filming police officers conduct a routine stop and search on her boyfriend, believe her case is the latest example of how police are misusing counterterrorism powers to restrict photography.

Atkinson's mobile phone recorded part of the incident at Aldgate East underground station on 25 March, one month after Section 58(a) – a controversial amendment to the Terrorism Act – came into force, making it illegal to photograph a police officer if the images are considered "likely to be useful" to a terrorist.

It's Swine Flu season again!

This came to me from Brasscheck TV

"Roll up your sleeve"

They didn't lie as well back then as they do now.

On the other hand, we were a lot more trusting.

I guess it's an "arms race." We get smarter and they cook up better lies,

However, note that the same basic BS stories come up over and over.

Recently, the government floated a trial balloon about mandatory swine flu vaccination for all school children.

Here's the problem:

1. Rushed vaccines are rarely safe

2. Vaccines in general have dubious value and can be dangerous

3. How on earth can you create a vaccination for a disease that is still morphing?
Answer: You can't, but it will be a big pay day for somebody.


Monday 20 July 2009

9/11 Truth and it's role in the game

In April of last year I wrote an article that questioned the motives of a UN official who went public calling for a new investigation into the "neocons' role in 9/11." The person I am referring to is Richard Falk, who, as I stated in the aforementioned article, is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations as well as the World Federalist Society. Richard Falk was also a leading contributor to the globalist World Order Models Project, financed by the Rockefeller Foundation and Carnegie Endowment in the 1970's, which was a report that suggested "strategies of transition" into a new global era. On top of this, Falk has published numerous books with titles such as Toward a Just World Order (1982) and The United Nations and a Just World Order (1991), calling for global governance.

Falk is perhaps best known to some for having written the foreword to David Ray Griffin's 2004 book, The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions About the Bush Administration and 9/11. This book played a crucial role in the rise of the 9/11 Truth Movement, and is perhaps the most widely sold book on the subject. The book quickly made its way on to the shelves of every major bookstore and even most libraries across the US and much of the world. Following the publication of Griffin's book, he was given a 90-minute time slot on C-SPAN in April of '05 to air his findings and promote his book.

While I have found much of Griffin's information on 9/11 to be quite good, I found it suspicious that he was so adamant on placing the blame for an inside job almost entirely on the Bush administration. Certainly anyone who has even slight knowledge regarding government black-ops knows they go much higher than the puppetocracy of the White House.

My suspicions about Griffin were further confirmed when I stumbled upon this YouTube clip of him saying we need global governance to solve our problems.

Globalists for "9/11 Truth"

In the past year and a half, other UN officials have come forward calling for a "new investigation" into 9/11. In March, 2008, Japanese Member of Parliament, Yukihisa Fujita, stated on a nationally syndicated radio show that a new investigation into 9/11 could be lead by global parliamentarians or the United Nations itself, according to people he has been in contact with. This came less than a month after the EU parliament in Brussels held a "9/11 Truth" conference. As you can see from this video, New World Order minion David Ray Griffin sat on the panel at this conference.

Clearly the globalists have a stake in the 9/11 Truth Movement and are using it to further an agenda that is apparently unbeknownst to the majority of the movement.

You would think that what I mentioned above would warrant enough suspicion from people to attract more attention to this issue than it's receiving, which is almost no attention at all. Why is this? Part of it is because many who claim to have "woken up" still have their heads buried in the sand. They don't think because they depend on their authorized "leaders" to tell them everything, and certainly the big names in this so-called "movement" (which I do NOT belong to) are not talking about it. This makes them no better than the sheeple they condemn, who make a steady diet of CNN and FOX News, relying on these corporate news outlets to provide them all their information, never taking the time and effort to think for themselves and ask if maybe they're being duped.

It is quite obvious that the powers that be, who engineered the attacks of September 11th, are not afraid of "the truth" getting out, as long as it's the authorized version of the truth peddled by people like David Ray Griffin and the charlatans in the "alternative" media that give them airtime. No, they control the 9/11 "Truth" Movement, "Patriot" Movement, and the sorry excuses for "leaders" they have leading people back into the sheep pen from which they emerged. If these so-called leaders are not being controlled directly, they are certainly being promoted for a reason that has nothing to do with "defeating the New World Order."

Corporate media whores for "9/11 Truth"

Does anyone ever stop to ask themselves why the media is so willing to give coverage to the conspiratorial version of events surrounding 9/11? Yeah, there definitely is substance to the notion that they bring the truth out in to the open so they can marginalize and discredit it. After all, the truth is always much safer for the PTB when it's in plain sight than lurking in the shadows. But like all things under this system, the media, too, works according to the Hegelian dialectic. While on one hand they will attack and ridicule any alternative views on 9/11, they also will give airtime to very prominent and "credible" people who will give legitimacy to this version of events in certain people's eyes. This way they can bring it out into the public view in a way that will draw people in, while at the same time associating it with kookery, so they can play one side (the believers, aka "conspiracy theorists") off the other side (the non-believers), so there is never any true awakening on a mass scale.

There is no doubt that 9/11 Truth would not be nearly as big as it is without the mainstream-corporate media's help. The Truth Movement seems to really have gained momentum since sitcom actor Charlie Sheen appeared on The Alex Jones Show to share his views regarding what happened on 9/11 back in 2006. This triggered a firestorm of mainstream media attention to Sheen's comments and landed Jones an appearance on CNN's Showbiz Tonight, marking the first widespread coverage of 9/11 Truth in the televised media. A few months after this, in June, 2006, the American Scholars Symposium was held in Los Angeles. Its panel consisted of 9/11 researchers, hosted by Alex Jones and featuring names like Webster Tarpley, Stephen Jones, Jim Fetzer and Col. Bob Bowman. Charlie Sheen also spoke at this event. This event, too, was given hours of airtime by C-SPAN. C-SPAN's companion news website, Capital News, later stated that the conference was their most popular program ever aired. C-SPAN touts itself as being independent from the corporate media monopoly and therefore a source of unbiased news and information. Its founder, Brian Lamb, in an interview, states that C-SPAN "in effect is not owned by anybody, but is controlled by a board of directors made up of some 21 people." However, once you look at the list of these 21 people, you see it consists of names from Time-Warner, Comcast Communications, Adelphia Communications, Columbia Partners and others. Ultimately it's these people who decide what gets aired and what doesn't. The notion that C-SPAN is an independent media outlet is a crock.

9/11 Truth to futher the NWO agenda

I believe that the cover will be blown off 9/11 eventually, and probably sooner than later. However, it will not be blown in a way that exposes the true criminals or exposes the New World Order for what it truly is. Instead it will be used to usher in the New World Order by creating the pretext to offer an "international solution" to a demoralized and disillusioned public, under the guise that the American government is broken and cannot be fixed. This is why people from the UN and EU have taken such an interest in 9/11. It's all about creating a pretext for increased internationalism to solve the problems the internationalists themselves created. Bush and Cheney -- who are no doubt criminals and mass-murderers of the worst kind, but still low-level frontmen -- will be used as the scapegoats, while the real criminals not only remain unpunished but will reap the rewards of the atrocity they were responsible for.

Just last week it was announced that Barack Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, is considering appointing a criminal prosecutor to investigate abuses involving torture during the Bush administration's tenure. There has been much talk in recent months of Bush and Cheney being put on trial before an international tribunal. Could this possibly evolve into an exposé of Bush and Cheney for their role in the 9/11 attacks? I think this is not only possible, but probable.

As Barack Obama continues to become less and less popular, as he works to gut what's left of the US economy and move us ever closer toward unabashed socialism, it is only a matter of time before he experiences a backlash from the public once they realize they've been sold up the river. I believe it is possible that the Obama administration, with help from the international community, could pull a trick out of the bag and expose Bush, Cheney and others in the Bush administration for their involvement in 9/11 (and therefore the collapse of the economy and everything else that has happened since then). This would not only redirect the public's anger away from Obama, but it would give him impetus to further push his sovereignty-eroding agenda and bring the United States fully into the hands of global governance.

"We need a new investigation into 9/11" = sheeplike group-think

Those reading this who believe a "new investigation" into 9/11 is needed must realize that there can be no such thing. The people who carried out these attacks at the highest levels control this system lock, stock and barrel. Any investigation into 9/11, no matter how independent it appears to be, will still be controlled and steered by "them," for an agenda that is to their benefit only.

The amount of group-think and lack of critical thought prevalent among people who claim to be "awake" frightens me. These people will get behind their sellout leaders and shout slogans all day about how there needs to be a new investigation into 9/11, never asking themselves what that really means or would entail.

It is obvious to anyone who has researched 9/11 that it was a massive hoax perpetrated on the people of the world. I know what happened that day isn't what the "official story" would have us believe and I can accept that. I don't need a new investigation to tell me what I already know, and the notion that it will bring those responsible for this atrocity to justice is a pipe dream.

What people should be questioning are those big names in the "Truth" Movement, who claim to be against the New World Order, yet promote and give credence to people who clearly want to use 9/11 to forward a globalist agenda.

Source: Matthew D. Jarvie

May I commend to your attention...

...the following web site?

Action Spark ~~ the story of a thriving society and regenerative earth culture

If you read the works or Terence McKenna and watch his YouTube Videos you will be familiar with his idea that the brain is similar to a computer and that we are all operating on an Operating System similar in concept to the PC and MS Windows or Linux. With the Human PC the OS is determined by your Culture. For example, those oldies who fought during WWII could perhaps have an OS ~ Military/Peace Version 3. Those who were in the VietNam War will have upgraded to Military/Peace Version 4. And so on. Their actions are governed by the OS system installed and these systems have bugs just as, although probably not as bad as, MS Vista.

In essence, most of us are operating on a what could be called the Capitalist/Consumer OS Ver. 5 The people, then, are governed by their reactions to the Capitalist Model and their responses are governed by the advertising of Consumerism.

What is needed all over the world, using Terence's ideas as a benchmark, is that everyone upgrades to a new Operating System. This could be called The Regenerative Earth OS Ver. 1.1 Action Spark is one of the best sites to study to see where we should be heading.

NB: Once happy with this new OS then why not upgrade further to Regenerative Earth OS Ver. 6 ~ the one designed by Anastasia as programmed into over
Ten Million people world wide that originated with Anastasia?

Ways of the NWO

If you analyse the news with an open mind you will see that those who attack others are usually giving away there own misdeeds.

Take, for example, David Irving, whom I met on a Speaking Tour of South Africa (his not mine) and whom I found to be balanced in his approach to German History. I have read most of his books and had many of them. Irving stated that the number of Jews killed in the Second World War had, in effect not been proved. For this he was labelled as a holocaust denier. I won't go into the pros and cons of David Irving other than to cite two admitted facts: 1: the numbers of Jews who dies in Auschwitz was reduced at the museum from, I think 4 million to 1,5 million (and included other peoples) yet the number of 6 million wasn't reduced accordingly. 2. The famed German historian Trevor-Roper, it was revealed, could not speak or read German. Enough said. The purpose of this site is not to defend David Irving, he is doing a great job himself. However, in Phoenix, Arizona, he was besieged by a mob of screaming people who accused him of all sorts of dire sins. It is interesting for they were, in effect doing what they accused him of doing ~ trying to disallow freedom of speech.

When it involves an ordinary person, if David can be in any way described as "ordinary", the effect is not that noticeable; but what happens when big corporations do the same? And what happens if countries take the same tactic as policy?

To see the effect that it can have just look at the site, Revolutionary Politics and view the video.

Now watch YOUR own news broadcasts, whether in Europe, America and Britain and look at the newspaper headlines with different eyes. By understanding this principle ~ call others by the names that describe you ~ you will see an entirely different picture.

Take the article on the BBC and ITV etc. about the BNP's election to the European "Parliament". You will have heard the term "Fascist" many times. Yet, if you analyse the actual term you will find that it relates far more closely to the ruling Big 3 than it does to the BNP. Then there was the use of the term "seat of power" as in "The BNP has a grasp of the seat of power." Or some such nonsense to describe the TWO seats the BNP fill. I am not a supporter of any party in the UK, by the way, the subject is how the Press etc. and the Politicians of the NWO call other peoples by the adjectives best suited to desscibe themselves.

While we are on the subject of the Press ~ did you notice the use of the word power? So the Press and the Labour person both believe that the EU is the "seat of power"! Not the British Parliament? Not the British Voter? No the EU!

and then did you notice that the only spokesperson (that I noticed - there may have been more whilst I was throwing up.) came from the ranks of the "ruling elite"? So they want you to believe them? Once again saying that no-one supports the BNP, when in fact it is them that do not. If there was such an outcry, surely they would show it and get quotes? What I saw was the usual mingling of people who have just been elected to the biggest opportunity to get the snout in possible.

Why do nations fight wars?

It can be said, with absolute certainty, that never in the history of humanity has a nation gone to war to bring a better standard of living to its enemies. However, that is exactly the context in which the West now sells its endless and countless wars. It sells this to three audiences: home front, the enemy and foreign neutrals/allies. The words the West, specifically, the Anglo-West uses are coached in terms of human rights, prosperity and freedom, though the results of those wars, both for the attacked victims (the West has not been directly attacked for 50 years by any military power, with the exception of Argentina) and the people on the home front, have proven far from it. Simply put, nations go to war to improve their own wealth and power, or at the very least to improve the wealth and power of the rulers.

On the home front, the public is brainwashed to see everything in absolute black and white, good guy, bad guy. Of course that their own nations will be the ones striking first, destroying the lives of millions and occupying the lands of the fallen, stripping them of resources and implementing puppet regimes, is to be ignored and seen as the acts of the self-righteous, or rather "righteous" Western "democracies" coming to save the poor and run down from themselves. In the mean time, the war costs in debt, inflation and loss of rights and freedoms and the sacrifices of blood go beyond any benefits perceived or real.

To the enemy, the West sells these ideas in order to create a fifth column, who will eagerly assist in the defeat of their own nations. Now some governments absolutely should be over thrown and destroyed, the Soviets for example, but it can only be done, if it is really to benefit the people, by those oppressed peoples. It is a far cry from supporting a local revolution and civil war and invading. One is by the oppressed peoples and the other is to oppress the people, just by a different set of smiling sociopaths declared a righteous war, a mission accomplished or a war we can not afford to loose. When Carthage and Rome fought, Carthage, there was no doubt in Carthage that Rome deserved to rule, it did not and it was a ludicrous idea. The fight was to the end, the bitter end and to the defeated when destruction at worst and slavery at best.

To the neutrals and allies it is to share the burden and the sacrifice, the cost, while the benefits are kept only to those launching the oppression.

Look at Iraq. Was Saddam a bastard? Of course he was, but to say, 6 years later, that the people, those still alive or not in exile, are better off than under him, is equally ludicrous. The nation is destroyed, infrastructure cratered, violence of the mass scale a daily, some times, hourly event. The wealth of the nation sucked out to the victors and their puppets.

In truth, the war was all about that wealth, even though it was coached in words of human rights and self defense. The fact alone, that little to no thought went into the post war period demonstrates this. Additional facts, such as the lack of the WMD and their facilities, the issue of Saddam, two months earlier, negotiating the Food For Oil Program into Euros from Dollars, equally lends credence to this.

From today's vantage point, even the Cold War is easily seen to be the farce it always was. This is not meant in any way as a defense of the Soviet Institution or the murderous dictator Stalin, however, the confrontation, that lasted from 1948 to 1991 and cost hundreds of thousands of lives, was in itself a farce by the West. The Anglo-West claimed that it was defending democracy and capitalism from the Soviet Threat, but with the exceptions of Eisenhower, Reagan and Thatcher, the Anglo-West has been on a programmed and well run decent into that very Marxism that is now accelerating towards its final lap to victory. It would seem that the Anglo elites were not so much worried about Marxism as to loosing power to others on their way there. Now they still get their Marxism, which enthrones them as the ruler elite and they get to enjoy it also.

NATO was organized in 1949 and the Soviet response to the "defense" block of military powers, did not take form until 1955. If NATO had been truly defensive, it would have come after a Soviet military organization, not predating it by 6 years. Further, upon its formation, Stalin actually asked to join it but was refuted. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, there was no lifting of human suffering but instead a decent into a new abyss for 8 years, as the West, upholding my original point, raped and plundered the assets of Russia, utilizing a alcoholic and near mindless Yeltsin and local thieves to carry out this rape. Not until Putin and now Medvedev came to power to defend and rebuild Russia was there any hope of anything but more suffering in the future. Of course they were instantly branded as anti-human rights enemies of the West and the western peoples again asked to sacrifice even more of their blood and wealth to fight this new "menace".

Now, less than 20 years after the demise of the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union, the leaders of NATO, the Anglo nations, daily come to resemble the enemy they spent hundreds of billions against. The same elites are in power, of course, be it directly on the thrones or in the shadows holding the coat tails.

Yet their people, fed on propaganda, never stop to ask: why did they sacrifice in the Cold War, when they are now moving willing down the same road to the same end results as those they supposedly fought against?

Rothschild and Freshfields founders linked to slavery

Two of the biggest names in the City of London had previously undisclosed links to slavery in the British colonies, documents seen by the Financial Times have revealed.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family’s 19th-century patriarch, and James William Freshfield, founder of Freshfields, the top City law firm, benefited financially from slavery, records from the National Archives show, even though both have often been portrayed as opponents of slavery.

Far from being a matter of distant history, slavery remains a highly contentious issue in the US, where Rothschild and Freshfields are both active.

Companies alleged to have links to past slave injustices have come under pressure to make restitution.

JPMorgan, the investment bank, set up a $5m scholarship fund for black students studying in Louisiana after apologising in 2005 for the company’s historic links to slavery.

The archival documents have already prompted one of the banks named in the records to take action in the US.

When the FT approached Royal Bank of Scotland with information about its predecessor’s links with slavery, the bank researched the claim, updated its own archives and amended the disclosures of past slave connections that it had previously lodged with the Chicago authorities.

But it is the disclosures about Mr Rothschild and Mr Freshfield that are likely to prompt the biggest stir.

In the case of Mr Rothschild, the documents reveal for the first time that he made personal gains by using slaves as collateral in banking dealings with a slave owner.

This will surprise those familiar with his role in organising the loan that funded the UK government’s bail-out of British slave owners when colonial slavery was abolished in the 1830s. It was the biggest bail-out of an industry as a percentage of annual government expenditure – dwarfing last year’s rescue of the banking sector.

The chief archivist of the Rothschild family papers, Melanie Aspey, reacted with disbelief when first told of the contents of the records, saying she had never seen such links before.

Niall Ferguson, Laurence A.Tisch professor of history at Harvard and author ofThe World’s Banker: A History of the House of Rothschild, said the documents showed “how pervasive slavery was in the structure of British wealth in 1830”.

In Mr Freshfield’s case, the records reveal that he and his sons had several slave-owner clients, mostly based in the Caribbean. The lawyers acted as trustees of the owners’ estates and in one case tried to claim unpaid legal fees for the firm through the government scheme set up to compensate owners after abolition.

Nick Draper, a University College London academic who examined the documents, which will now form the basis of a comprehensive British slavery database at UCL, said the records would hopefully promote a better understanding of of the significance of slavery in Britain.

“We need to fill the gaps between those who deny slavery’s role and those who believe Britain was built entirely on the blood of slaves,” he said.

Both Rothschild, the bank, and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer were quick to point to their predecessors’ anti-slavery credentials.

Rothschild said Nathan Mayer Rothschild had been a prominent civil liberties campaigner with many like-minded associates and “against this background, these allegations appear inconsistent and misrepresent the ethos of the man and his business”.

Freshfields said James William Freshfield was an active member of the Church Missionary Society, “which was committed to ... The abolition of the slave trade”.

Apologies and acknowledgements

Several institutions have apologised for, or acknowledged, their links to slavery including:

●In March 2002, Deadria C. Farmer-Paellmann, a lawyer and activist, launched an unsuccessful legal action against Aetna , a healthcare benefits company, and others for unjust enrichment through slavery. Legislation in California and Illinois prompted several companies to research their past and some to apologise and make atonement gestures.

●In mid-2000 Aetna, prompted by Ms Farmer-Paellmann, was one of the first to apologise for insurance policies written on slaves 140 years earlier.

●In 2002, New York Life, the insurer, donated documents about the insurance it sold to slave owners in the 1840s to a New York library. It also backed educational efforts.

●In 2005 JPMorgan, the investment bank, apologised that two of its predecessors in Louisiana – Citizens Bank and Canal Bank – had mortgaged slaves. The bank made its research public and set up a $5m scholarship fund for African- American pupils.

●Lehman Brothers apologised in 2005 for its predecessors’ links to slavery, while Bank of America said it regretted any actions its predecessors might have taken to support or tolerate slavery.

Wachovia Bank, since acquired by Wells Fargo, also apologised for its predecessors having owned and profited from slaves. It set up a programme offering $1bn in loans for black car dealerships.

●In October 2001 students at Yale University pointed out its past links with slavery. The university noted it had already founded the Gilder-Lehrman centre for the study of slavery.

Brown University has set up a commission to look into links with slavery and how it should make amends.

●In 2006 Tony Blair, prime minister, expressed “deep sorrow” for the UK’s role in the slave trade.

●Last week the US Senate unanimously passed a resolution apologising for slavery and segregation.

Why Flouride?

One aspect only of the use of fluoride in drinking water to dumb us down is affect it has on a human's pineal gland.

This is what Wikipedia has to say:

''The pineal gland (also called the pineal body, epiphysis cerebri, epiphysis or the "third eye") is a small endocrine gland in the vertebrate brain. It produces melatonin, a hormone that affects the modulation of wake/sleep patterns and photoperiodic (seasonal) functions.[1][2] It is shaped like a tiny pine cone (hence its name), and is located near to the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join''.

To look at this it would seem that this is the gland's only task. Put us to sleep at night and wake us up in the morning. However, this is not so. If you study this excellent article at Crystal Links you will see what else it does. In the series of videos compiled by Graham Hancock he shows how a person who uses Ayahusaca under the supervision of a Shaman ~ for YOUR sake do NOT try it without guidance ~ can access another dimension, one unseen to those on a normal channel. He talks about Nobel Laureate, Francis Crick, who did so much wok on DNA and how he discovered the DNA molecule whilst on LSD. It was the Pineal Gland that enabled Crick to make the connection for, in addition to melatonin it also produces a chemical that enables the person to use it as a portal. Watch the Hancock videos to learn the detail.

The gland is full of a watery substance. Fluoride calcifies this water and this not only makes it useless as a portal it also inhibits the transfer of consciousness between the left - analytical - side of the brain to the right - intuitive and artistic side of the brain. Just as Western Civilisation thinks with the left so the Eastern Civilisation thinks with the right. Just look at the languages of Japan, Korea and China. Even Russia with it Cyrillic alphabet has a language that produces images when read. Remember that all original thought comes from intuition or communion with something "out there". All the great inventors and philosophers, Einstein, Edison, etc. relied on this intuition.

In the past Galileo and Michelangelo were punished for thinking "outside the box"; some thinkers were even burnt at the stake. The reason then, as it is now, is that the controllers of humanity do not want anyone to either think originally or to access another dimension. So they use drugs and/or chemicals to dumb us down.

You will recall the James Dean Anderson (McGyver) series about a Stargate? Quantum Leap? Then there is a film where some bird whirls around in a special machine and goes through a portal and meets her dad on "the other side?" All these have been made with one thing in mind. Control. David Willcock - claims to be the re-incarnation of Edgar Cayce - states that the invasion of Iraq was to get a chair that was used by the ancients as a means of time and dimension travel. This is all to condition people to the idea that only the High Priests can do this. In the old days the High Priests were the controllers of the Egyptians etc. Today it is the NWO and their minions.

All religions have, in the past, controlled people by their fear of God, a god that was created in the image of the High Priest. Only certain priests could communicate with this god. They designed a Umin and Thumin ~ a plate of various stones set up in a certain way ~ to answer the plebs questions, via, of course, the high priest. Even today one religion uses a special thingy that has leather straps that wind around the arm so that the wearer can petition god direct, but it is only activated by the High Priest. Another specifies the wearing of a locket and this gives access to God via the High Priest.

Unfortunately for them people ~ especially since the advent of the Internet ~ have become far more aware of what is happening. So something had to be done to maintain control. Hence the use if drugs. As Graham Hancock says. "Isn't it strange that the War against Drugs is the costliest of any operation. It has failed dismally and continues to fail; yet it still is continued in the same way and billions are still poured in to it?" Think about it and ask yourself which organisations are the biggest drug dealers. Also ask yourself why Afghanistan under the Taliban had almost stopped the production of heroin and now with the British and America and NATO force there Heroin production is at an all time high. Look up the movement of coffins to America from Viet Nam via Air America. There is much to learn.

Certain hallucinogenic plants have been used for thousands of years - today almost all are illegal. Think on it. Study and learn.

A word of warning! If you look up David Willcock remember that although he states a lot of truth the slant is biased. Also look up his background. What is he REALLY trying to accomplish?

You can also look at this but I cannot warrant its authenticity. One thing I do recommend be careful and study a lot before you experiment.

Oh, by the way!

You can offset the effects of Fluoride by getting onto an Alkaline Diet and Lifestyle.

Test YOUR ph (potential hydrogen) level in both urine and saliva and/or blood. If it is below the range of 6.75 to 7.5 you are acidic.

Think on it and investigate further. It will pay you big time.