Tuesday 28 July 2009

Prison Planet

Info Warrior – Daniel Aspey-Smith

The Terror Storm and Mind Control

There is an ongoing war against the free peoples of the planet, all part of their ‘Terror Storm’.
Pentagon war planners now publicity admits that 90% of their battle plans are psychological
vs. physical. The Information War had taken the place of aircraft carriers, fighter bombers
and tanks, and you the population of the planet are the target; put simply modern warfare is
all about selling the population to love its own enslavement, the elite are waging war on the

Edward Bernays, father of public relations, pioneered the use of psychology and other social
sciences to design public persuasion campaigns. If we understand the mechanism and
motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to
our will without their knowing about it?

The conscious and intelligent manipulations of the organised habits and opinions of the
masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen
mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of
our government. We are governed, our minds moulded, are tastes formed, our ideas
suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.

Since the dawn of man, bullies have attempted to dominate and control the tribe. Human
history has been one long struggle of the independent free human against organised crime
syndicates attempting to enslave him. Brute force has been replaced with intimidation and
propaganda, we are manipulated into enslaving ourselves, we are conned into believing that
the establishment is our loving keeper and not are parasitic master. The NWO architects are
predatory control freaks who have enslaved humanity and are desperate to keep control of
their cattle. The elite is threatened by independent free humans who control their own
destinies, their threatened by intelligence, beauty, honour and family. They seek to control
and steer the destiny of humanity in a direction that secures their power monopoly forever.
They are sadistic by all means; they think nothing of human life. Only control and keeping
that control, the entire world is being engineered, designed to be a ‘Prison Planet’, a control
grid over free humanity. Where no decent is tolerated, once you realise the establishment is
laughing at you can begin to research the truth and start fighting back. Once you understand
their game plan it’s very easy too defeat, knowing who your enemy is, is half the battle,
taking action is the other half. You only have to free your mind and defeating the globalists
will be easy.

‘’In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’’
George Orwell – 1984

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