Monday 24 August 2009

Global Warming Hoax

Info Warrior – Daniel Aspey-Smith

Essentially after a lot of research and I’m no scientist but I have looked at a lot of scientific studies, think tanks and so on I’ve basically come to the conclusion that man made global warming is a scam, I’m not denying its happening, but what I’m saying is that it’s wrongly interpreted by the main stream media.

If you look at the science behind it you can clearly see there are errors and it is in fact the sun, which is the main driver of the planetary climate, which has been increasing in thermal output and is now the hottest it’s ever been which has resulted in warming not just on Earth but throughout the solar system (NASA), which is why the ice caps on Mars are melting and the moons on Saturn and Jupiter are now liquid seas (now are SUV’s causing that?) And I looked at studies written by scientists with good track records who say where having very serious climate change and that human activity is tiny compared to other inputs like volcanoes etc.

In the last 1000 years there has been a period of warm temperatures where we’ve had periods of high and low sun spot activity and currently we’ve been experiencing a warm episode known as the medieval warm period, just like in the 1600’s when the Earth experienced a cold period (where there was a mini ice age in N Europe where the N sea froze and was filled with ice) which corresponded with an all time minimum of sun spot activity, but where well within the limits of that period and the earth’s warming by about ½ a degree every 100 years, part of this natural cycle. Additionally there is no evidence that the increase in carbon dioxide measured in the last 50 years has anything to do with this, primarily because the warming started before the industrial revolution ever began. People forget plants breathe CO2; they’ve found that life blooms in a CO2 Oxygen rich environment. Everyone knows the ice caps expand and collapse that’s documented fact.

But the other concern is that governments could actually be gobbling up the worlds concern to line their own pockets and bring in global carbon taxes – nothing to do with environment, to tax basically everything from cattle to light bulbs.

So overall man made global warming is not a large contributor to the overall solar cycle, no denying things are shifting and I’m all for renewable energy, but the climate system is very complex and can’t be accurately be modelled which has lead to invalid assumptions and fear mongering through the media, scaring people to the point where saving the planet is now hailed as the planets new religion and that we’ve got to seriously reduce the number of children where having (UK population decline) anyway that’s my hypnosis.

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